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Tag "Zusha"

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TYH Nation Presents: TYH Hits Upmixed – IMPACT Vol 1

TYH Nation PresentsTYH Hits Upmixed IMPACT  Vol 1 1: Back of the Wagon (Upmix) Ft. Afikoman, Matisyahu, Alex Clare 2: Yidden (Upmix) Ft. Chaim Ghoori, Mendy Worch 3: Mi LaShem Elai (Upmix) Ft. Zusha 4: Chi Chi WaWa (Upmix) Ft.

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“Big Up The Light” – Hanukkah Concert To Raise Funds For Displaced Israeli Families

Hosted by Amare Stoudemire (Yahoshaphat Ben Avraham) w/ performances by: Zusha, 𝙈endel Wonder , Avi Benjamin, L’Chaim OG, Erez Safar, Busta Hymns ft. Supa Vilda, and others On October 7th, 2023, Israel faced an attack, with one of the hardest-hit

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ZUSHA With A Viral Hit “The World To Come”

“The World to Come” OUT NOW!!! The viral hit single by ZUSHA. A song that gives chizuk and also makes you want to dance. May this song be a kiddush Hashem and usher in the days of redemption!!! Spread the

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Zusha – Pischu Li (Official Audio)

“Open for me the gates of righteousness” This is a melody that came down in one uninterrupted flow straight from Hashem. Its an opportunity to fuse our prayer service with all of you, to be joined in our search for

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Zusha Releases New Song “Gershon Albert’s Niggun Hodaah”

We are extremely proud to present this new Huge thank you to Doni Gross Available now where all things stream. This melody we learned some years ago from our dear sweet friend R’ Gershon Albert. Its a niggun of gratitude,

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Zusha Releases Single For Purim “Hatzileni”

Forty days before Purim, Breslov Chasidim have a tradition to cry out and pray: הַצִּילֵנִי מִקְלִפַּת הָמָן עֲמָלֵק וְזַכֵּנִי לִקְדֻשַׁת מָרְדְּכַי וְאֶסְתֵּר Save me from the impurity of Haman and Amalek and purify me to the holiness of Mordechai and

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Zusha Releases New Album “Open The Gates”

The phenom known as Zusha, is an American Hasidic folk/soul band from New York. They formed in 2013 with lead singer Shlomo Gaisin and guitarist Zachariah Goldschmiedt. The band, named after Zusha of Hanipol, combines traditional Hasidic niggunim with styles

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Zusha – Hareini Mechavein

Ever wonder what the world looks like through the eyes of a child? Our new song “Hareini Mechavein” takes one back to that pure, imaginative place, the posture from which children so intuitively approach the world. The enchanting melody relinquishes

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New Music From Rav Shlomo Katz Out Today!

On a beautiful spring day, some of my closest and talented friends gathered with me in Ma’ale Adumim, and we recorded a full album, The Red Heights Sessions, consisting of 8 never before released tracks. It was live, it was

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Mevakshei Hashem – TYH Nation [Album Preview]

TYH Nation Presents Mevakshei Hashem We’re Searching for You! New Year. New Music. New You! As we enter Chodesh Elul, a glorious month of return to Hashem and revelation of our innermost desire for goodness and holiness, TYH Nation and

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