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Tag "Lichyot"

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Now Available In Acapella: Aviad – “Lichyot”

About a month ago Aviad released a new single called “Lichyot”, which he wrote and composed . He is now releasing it in a vocal version for sefirah. The vocal arrangements were done by Effie Sheiner.

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Avshalom Sellouk – Lichyot

During this crazy time of Coronavirus rampaging through the world, causing us all uncertainty and great fear, Avshalom Sellouk is bringing us a little bit of relaxation with his new song, called Lichyot, the first single off of his debut

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Avraham Ovinu, The Chashmonaim & Bnei Akiva: Avshalom Selouk – Hineni

Avshalom Selouk is now releasing his second single, called Hineni, from his upcoming debut album, which was only written about two weeks ago. The album titled Lichyot, was produced by Dotan Moshanov, and will be released in the next few

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