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Tag "Ki Heim Chayeinu"

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Eli Klein With A New Kumzits Album “Shirim Shekatavti”

Eli Klein is one of the most outstanding composers of the last decade on the Jewish Music scene. Together with his main partner Yitzy Berry, the two are responsible for some of the main hits of this period. There is

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Dani Kunstler – Ki Heim Chayeinu [Official Music Video]

Inspired by a learning program called the Torat Shraga Workout, where boys are challenged to learn for many hours without stopping, Ki Heim Chayeinu has quickly become a fan favorite in Yeshiva, and becoming the Torah theme song so many

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R’ Mordechai Gottlieb – Golui V’yadua [Album Sampler]

After three years of hard work, renowned composer R’ Mordechai Gottlieb who is known for his beautiful kumzits style of compositions is finally ready to release his long awaited debut album. The album is produced by long time music maven

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Yitzy Kaplowitz Ki Heim Chayeinu (feat. Zevi Daniel)

Yitzy Kaplowitz is a singer/songwriter/ guitarist on a mission to share heartfelt and inspiring Jewish music. Yitzy has been composing and performing since he was a young boy, but he put his musical pursuits on hold for a number of

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R’ Mordechai Gottlieb – Ki Heim Chayeinu [Official Video]

R’ Mordechai Gottlieb is releasing a new clip for his song Ki Heim Chayeinu in honor of the beginning of the new winter Zman in Yeshivos and Kollels. He is also hard at work right now on his debut album

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Second Single From The Shlager Project “Vechozakto” by DEDI!

Who didn’t grow up on Dedi‘s great hits!? Hu Yigal Otanu, Ki Heim Chayeinu, Omnom, and many others, for example. In the past few years Dedi has taken some time off from his musical life, and focused mainly on his

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