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Baruch Naftel – Toras Emes

With Elul Zman in full swing, the Yomim Noraim looming ahead, and Simchas Torah around the corner, what better concept to sing about than Torah? This song was originally obtained in 2012, and was intended to be a part of

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Reb Yaakov Singer With A New Single For The Yomim Noroim “Ein Lanu Melech”

The Holy month of Elul is upon us once again. Really getting ready to connect and come closer to Hashem, our Father, our Master, our King. That Hashem reigns supreme is our national anthem. We cry out in unity, “אין

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New Single – “Birega Katon” Nati Brodye & Hillel Kapnick

With the rebuilding of the Temple still on our minds following the three weeks and Tisha B’av, and with Elul bringing us closer to the High Holy Days of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, this song is a reminder that

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New Single From Hillel Kapnick & Takshivu “Sos Asis” (Happy With You)

With Elul now in full swing, Jews around the world reflect on the past year and recognize all the amazing gifts Hashem has given them. There is no greater way to Thank Hashem than to proclaim how happy we are

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Yaakov Markowitz With A New Single “ALWAYS WITH ME”

“Always With Me” is now available on all streaming platforms! Yaakov Markowitz, a Five Towns native singer and composer, is out with his newest release “Always With Me”, an upbeat and captivating anthem with powerful takeaways in connection to Hashem

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Project Witness Presents: Yechiel Giniger – Rachem Acapella Version (feat. Zevy & Yosef Giniger)

Yechiel Giniger makes his debut solo recording with “RACHEM” – a soul stirring heartfilled niggun now in its acapella version. Written and composed by his mother Malky Giniger, Yechiel grew up singing this song in his home and always wanted

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Michoel Pruzansky In His First Ever Acapella Single “Pray Acapella”

Michoel Pruzansky is known over the last two decades for his fun and upbeat albums. While “Pruzbul“put him on the map, he continued the trend with MP3, Pruz Control and Shootin For The Moon. Pruz Control however, has a special

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Project Witness Presents: Yechiel Giniger – Rachem (feat. Zevy Giniger & Yosef Giniger)

Yechiel Giniger makes his debut solo recording with “RACHEM” – a soul stirring heart filled niggun. Written and composed by his mother Malky Giniger, Yechiel grew up singing this song in his home and always wanted to bring this to

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Takshivu – Waiting For Us (Official Audio)

With Sukkos now behind us, and the winter months approaching, Takshivu is releasing it’s third single, called “Waiting For Us“. The song is about us making a change to let mashiach come, because really he’s the one “Waiting For Us”.

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Takshivu – Come This Far (Official Audio)

After so many requests for more music, Takshivu decided to release a song just in time for Rosh Hashana. It gives over the ultimate message of hope, saying that even if it seems like you can’t fix what you’ve done,

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