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Tag "Avrumi Berko"

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Fried In English Sounds Different: Shabbos Kodesh

Dear friendsI had a musical dream years ago to record the great Yiddish compositions of R’ Yom Tov Ehrlich z”lwhose songs are etched in my Neshoma since I was a young child.And BH my dream came true. I recorded 2

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Shloime Gertner – Mi Kamocha (Reb Shlomo Carlebach Z”l)

This extraordinary composition, originally crafted by the legendary Reb ShlomoCarlebach Z”l, draws inspiration from the valiant efforts of Yehuda Hamaccabi as he facedthe challenges of the Yevunim during the era of the Beis Hamikdash.Reb Shlomo Carlebach Z”l, channeled the spirit

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Shabbos Breishis – Yakov Shlomo Gross

I am delighted to present to you today a beloved classic that holds a special place in my heart and inthe hearts of many others. This song is a staple at numerous Rebbishe Hoifen, especially in theBobover Hoif and is

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Yidi Bialostozky Feat. Kalmey Schwartz, Shmaya Fischer, Sruly Altman, Bentzy Weberman & Chaim Brown in A New Rendition of The Chabad Hit: “De Rebbe is Gezunt”

When the Rebbe got recovered after suffering a serious heart attack, the legendary Chassid Reb Yisroel Duchman put these lyrics onto a traditional Russian melody. The chassidim danced to this song all night long rejoicing while the Rebbe was regaining

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Chasdei Lev Presents: Shea Berko Feat. Avrumi Berko – Moireh Rabbach [Official Music Video]

Wedding superstar brothers Shea and Avrumi Berko collaborate to bring you a brand new hit song that will surely get you up and dancing! These inspiring words of the Mishnah in Pirkei Avos (Perek ד’ Mishnah ט”ו ) portray the

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Watch – Refoel Meir Halpert & A Berko Productions Bring The House Down!

We are excited to present to you this brand new music video of rising star and wedding sensation Refoel Meir Halpert. Refoel Meir who has released beautiful & soul stirring singles in the past, shows you a new side of

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New Music: Koh Ribbon – Suscher Guttman

R’ Shea Rosen is proud to present the brand new Shabbos’dige melody filled with warmth and emotion “Koh Ribbon”! This melody was composed by ‘Harav Moshe Kessler’ from the reputed Yidden in Khilשs Bobov and ‘יושב ראש מוסדות באבוב בני

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Chupa Medley | Chaim Meir Fligman – Avrumi Berko

The chupa of the century uniqueness of a touching music performance at a chupa is a must, This music video will explain everything it has regesh, warmth, strings, kid solo, outstanding music, and much more This medley is performed by

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Avraham Fried Feat. Benny Friedman & Eli Marcus “Ezri”

The great chassidic singer Avraham Fried, hosts his two nephews, the singers Benny Friedman and Eli Marcus in a new single music video he composed in honor of the Rebbe’s 120th birthday. Arranged by: Avrumi Berko

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Thank You Rebbi Feat. Benny Friedman & Yitzy Waldner – Chasdei Lev (Official Music Video)

A musical production that follows the lives of three successful Talmidim and explores the impact their Rebbeim had on their lives. Join along as we pay tribute to our Mechanchim who are not only the heroes of their Talmidim, but

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