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New Single From His Upcoming Album Yishai Rivo “Tocho Ratzuf Ahava”

New Single From His Upcoming Album Yishai Rivo “Tocho Ratzuf Ahava”

Yishai Rivo began writing and composing music at the young age of just 14.

Today, nine years after (23), he is finally releasing his first single from his upcoming debut album to be released shortly.

The album, which received a grant of the Fund ACUM is the result of the applicable Tali Katz. Tali was fast to recognize the potential in the young Rivo and decided to take him under his wing and personal management.

Yishai was born in France and immigrated with his family at the age of eight to Israel.

He also studied at Yeshiva, got married and is now serving in the IDF.

His debut album will feature 12 songs which written and composed by Yishai himself and his musical producer Nadav Bitton.

The album also features the top musicians:

Guitars: Dudu Tassa Piano: David Aichilvic’
Bass: true Pariente drums: Israel Nahum
Keyboards: Nadav Biton Harmonica: Yael Feldheim

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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חוֹשֵׂךְ שִׁבְטוֹ, מִבְּלִי לַחֲשֹׂךְ אֶת אַהֲבָתוֹ
מוֹשִׁיט אֶת שַׁרְבִיטוֹ, לְכָל הַפּוֹשֵׁט יָדוֹ
עַיִן לֹא מַעְלִים, מֵעַל צֹאן מַרְעִיתוֹ
גַּם כְּשֶׁאָנוּ שִׁבְרֵי כֵלִים, עוֹדֵנוּ כְּלִי חֶמְדָּתוֹ

תּוֹכוֹ רָצוּף אַהֲבָה, רָצוּף אַהֲבָה
בֵּיתוֹ צָפוּף לִרְוָחָה, צָפוּף לִרְוָחָה
מַמְצִיא לָנוּ מְחִילָה, לֹא רַק בִּשְׁעַת הַנְּעִילָה
לְךָ דוּמִיָּה תְהִלָּה

יָדָיו רָב לוֹ, וְאֵין רֵאשִׁית לְרֵאשִׁיתוֹ
גַּם הַשִּׁירָה כְּחוֹל הַיָּם, הִיא רַק מִקְצָת שִׁבְחוֹ
לִפְנִים מִשּׁוּרַת הַדִּין, מַנְהִיג אֶת עוֹלָמוֹ
וּמִלִּפְנֵי הַמַּלְאָכִים, דּוֹרֵשׁ בִּשְׁלוֹם עַמּוֹ

עָתִיד הוּא
״לָתֵת פְּאֵר תַּחַת אֵפֶר
שֶׁמֶן שָׂשׂוֹן תַּחַת אֵבֶל
מַעֲטֵה תְהִלָּה תַּחַת רוּחַ כֵּהָה״
(ישעיהו ס׳א)

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