Hip-hop group Shtar has been defying stereotypes ever since its inception inside the walls of rabbinical college. The 5 members of Shtar boast a unique blend of hip-hop and rock with lyrics grounded in spiritually elevating themes. Their expert fusion of a wide range of music genres shows itself throughout Infinity. The title track, as well as current single “Restoring My Soul (Modeh),” have drawn comparisons to the Gorillaz, while “Adon Olam” has an R&B groove and “Ashrei” echoes Beck with its lo-fi, distorted funk sound. Issac’s vocals color the songs “Kel Adon” and “Nagila” with haunting Middle Eastern inflections. Blending in with these various styles, Ori Murray’s deft, cerebral rhymes command the listener’s attention. “There’s a beacon sign / Plant the seed in time/ And the tree will climb,” he raps with conviction on “Tikun Olam”. They have already garnered fans from all denominations as a tight live band that could easily rival veteran acts like The Roots. Their debut album, Infinity, is is in stores now via Shemspeed Records.
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