Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz, Baruch Levine, Simcha Leiner & Shira Choir – Ashreinu Acapella
Composed by: R’ Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz
Performed by: Simcha Leiner and Baruch Levine
Produced by :Yochi Briskman
Mixed by: Shlome Wechter
Video Production: Kolrom media and Mint media
Choir: Shira
Arranged by: Yoily Horowitz
Choir members:
Sruly Drummer
Yoely Gandl
Shea Freund
Shlome Wechter
Yoily Horowitz
אשרינו כשאנו משכימים ומעריבים בבתי כנסיות ובבתי מדרשות ומיחדים שמך בכל יום תמיד ואומרים פעמיים באהבה שמע אומרים
How fortunate we are to get up early and stay up late in our Shuls and Batei Medrash, and every day we proclaim You are the ONE AND ONLY and with love we say twice a day Shema Yisroel…
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