Ruvi Banet Presents: Matana LeChassena (A Wedding Gift)

Its not every year the the MEGA talented composer, arranger and conductor Ruvi Banet releases a new album. As a matter of fact, its actually been almost a decade since Ruvi & his orchestra last released an album titled A Wedding Invitation. Ruvi and his orchestra have raised the bar and set the standards for Jewish music band everywhere.
This Shavous, Ruvi presents a “Matana” to music fans everywhere with the release of his newest album “Matana LeChassena (A Wedding Gift).” This new album features some of he biggest hit from throughout the last decade of Jewish music. Over the years Banet has had the pleasure of work with almost every big name in the business, and now when it came time to choose vocalists for this new album he couldn’t settle on just one. The talented vocalists on this album includes; Lipa Schmeltzer, Yoely Greenfeld, Dedi, Shloime Taussig, Shloime Cohen, Yumi Lowy, Yishai Lapidot, Aharleh Samet, Levi Falkowitz, Yoely Falkowitz, Moishy Rosenberg and Motti Steinmeitz.
Not only does the album feature Ruvi’s masterful arrangements of some of JM’s greatest hits, the album also features something truly unique. Four of MBD‘s greatest English songs now released for the first time with Hebrew lyrics!. Dedi’s sing’s MBD‘s Someday, Just One Shabbos, Yerusholayim is Not for Sale and Yidden in Hebrew. So this summer don’t walk, RUN to your nearest music outlet and pick up Ruvi Banet’s Matana LeChassena (A Wedding Gift).
The album is being distributed in the US by Nigun Music and available on their website
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