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Reb Shlomo Carlebach Tribute Concert 2019

Reb Shlomo Carlebach Tribute Concert 2019

In Commemoration of Reb Shlomo’s Yahrzeit
The Carlebach Shul presents a tribute concert

Saturday Night, November 9th
Doors Open 9:00 PM | Concert Begins 9:30 PM

At West Side Institutional Synagogue
120 West 76th St.


Yehuda Green
Eitan Katz
Srully Williger

Musical Havdala by Chaim Kiss

MC: Zev Brenner

TICKETS: | $35 in advance (price will go up on 10/31), $50 at the door | VIP tickets $95
This weekend has been made possible by a contribution from Joy Fishman in memory of her son Jonathan Stampler

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