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Rabbi Yossi Goldstein and the Tmimim Boys Choir – First listen

The much anticipated debut album of the Tmimim Boys Choir and Rabbi Yossi Goldstein is finally being released at the and of the summer B”H. The project took a long three years to produce, but will certainly be worth the wait. It promises to be a very refreshing CD with very interesting and energetic songs. It is arranged by the very talented RAMBAM (Agababayev). The Tmimim have performed along stars such as M.B.D., Piamenta, and many others. They have captivated their audiences with their great performances. The style of the music includes Heimshe hora, sefardi, dance, Chabad and Dvekus. Check out the first listen below and tell us what you think.

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Rabbi Yossi GoldsteinTmimim Boys Choir

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1 comment

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  1. Vogel
    Vogel 15 December, 2009, 11:28

    The Tmimim boys choir is our favorite CD in the house!
    It’s really good!!

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