Rabbi Yosef Moshe Kahana Returns With “Lechaim Kumzitz 2”

The legendary producer of the Lechaim series R’ Yosef Moshe Kahana, is returning with a brand new album, Lechaim Kumzitz 2, together with some of the best singers from Israel and America.
The new album has 4 medleys containing some of the best songs from the past decade, arranged in a kumzitz style.
Some of the voices on the album, besides the Lechaim choir, Pirchei Shir V’Shevach, are Avremi Roth, Yoel Falkowitz, Yaakov Daskal, Zenvil Weinberger, and Moshe Shtekel.
Click PLAY below to hear the song B’chol Tzaar
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