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Pinchas Ben Naim Presents: Avi Man In A Uplifting New Single “Vedabkeinu”

Pinchas Ben Naim Presents: Avi Man In A Uplifting New Single “Vedabkeinu”

With the arrival of the uplifting holiday season, Pinchas Ben Naim presents a new single for Avi ManVedabkeinu” composed by Chaim Altman and arranged by Benny Laufer.

Production: Pinchas Ben Naim Productions Composer: Haim Altman Arrangement and musical production: Benny Lauper Cover design: Zaira | Animation: Shneor Eisenbach Public relations: BaFront

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Avi ManBenny LauferChaim AltmanPinchas Ben Naim

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