Nossin Schwartzberg Releases Debut Single “Emes”

If you have been to a wedding or simcha in the tri-state area in the last 18 years, chances are you have already heard the dynamic singer Nossin Schwartzberg. He is constantly been asked when he will be releasing a single/album and well while he said he was working on it, the world had to wait for perfection.
Finally, presenting the debut single from Nossin Schwartzberg “Emes” composed by one of the biggest names in JM, Yerachmiel Begun of MBC fame. Emes is arranged by MBC, Alumni member and choir leader of Miami Mizrach, the one and only Menachem Klein from Israel and mixed by the talented Eli Lishinsky.
Nossin hopes that this single tides you over until he release his anxiously awaited debut album within the next year. But until then expect to see a few more singles.
Emes is available as a FREE download on
Click PLAY below to hear the song
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