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Nir Kaptain With A New Single “Bonai Ohavai”

Nir Kaptain With A New Single “Bonai Ohavai”

Nir Kaptain is a 38 year old singer and musician who performs on TV and radio, and is a married father of 3 children. Nir has been involved in the music world since the age of ten, where he has sung in various choirs. He grew up in a musical house, and his parents pushed him to perform all over the place as much as he could. Kaptain has two brothers, one is the famous singer and actor Gil Kaptai, and the second is the famous video producer Moshe Kaptain.

At the age of 18 Nir was drafted to the army, and joined the army choir, conducted by Moshe Mona Rosenblum, together with his brothers. It was there that he developed a relationship with Naftali Gold, who was his first musical partner, and the relationship let to the release of their duet album Likdushat Shimcha. This album was totally innovative in the realm of Jewish music, and was very successful.

During that time Kaptain continued to write and to compose, and even performed in a number of duets with some other professionals, including Gad Elbaz for his song Tefillat Av, which the two of them composed together.

Now, after 13 years since his successful debut album, he is releasing his first single. This is the first single to be released, and after the Chagim he will give us another surprise IY”H.

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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