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Here It Is: Nemuel & Dani Avidani “Ashreinu”

Here It Is: Nemuel & Dani Avidani “Ashreinu”

Nemuel is from a French Chabad family. He made Aliyah when he was a child, and learned in some of the best Yeshivos in Israel.
With time and encouragement from his friends, he began to sing and perform at weddings and other events. From then on he began to perform on every possible stage in Israel and even outside of Israel.

Dani Avidani comes from an incredibly musical family. His musical prowess has turned into something of a household name in international Chassidic music.

The two of them joined together for a special project that they have already been working on for two years. They hired some of the biggest names in Chassidic music, simply to take some of the old and beautiful Chabad niggunim, and put them into a new and refreshed musical style. The first single from this project is now being released – “Ashreinu“. It is a fun and energetic song that is Chabad through and through, and is enhanced many times over by the powerful and beautiful voice of Nemuel, with the production possible only from Avidani.

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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נמואל - תמונת יח''צ

דני אבידני - תמונת יח''צ

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AshreinuDani AvidaniNemuel

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