Nachum Segal Presents the World Premier of ”Schwebel Scharf & Levine Vol. IV”
Nachum Segal welcomed Ali Scharf & Rivie Schwebel of “Schwebel Scharf & Levine” to JM in the AM to celebrate the release of “Schwebel Scharf and Levine Vol. IV.” They played and discussed several of the tracks as well as opened the phone lines so the listeners could join the conversation. After nearly a 10 year hiatus, Rivie Schwebel, Ali Scharf, and Dov Levine have come together once again to record a collection of captivating compositions, meticulously arranged and performed in their unique and fresh style – nigunim that will find their way into your heart. As a bonus, if you buy the new album you get the out of print, “The Pintele Yid” album as well. Click HERE to listen or use the player below then go out and buy the CD today!
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