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Moshe Laufer Presents: Mitoich Haneshama 3

Moshe Laufer Presents: Mitoich Haneshama 3

World renowned composer/arranger Moshe Laufer waited until Chanukah to released his latest masterpiece “Mitoich Haneshama Volume 3.” This third installment of ht e Mitoich Haneshama series delivers the top musicians playing the greatest hits from the last decade in the way only Laufer could arrange.
Laufer worked for a year on selecting material for the amazing album and recording the music in the most exciting way possible. “Feedback worth the investment,” he says our correspondent. “One of the first album in the series, came to me told me that thanks to the Jews, from the soul, he returned to put on tefillin.”

Mitoich Haneshama 3 includes fourteen stunning tracks including hits like Nichsefo, Vezakeini, Anovim, Libi Libi, V’hei Sheomda, S’ei Soviv, and others, which with Moshe’s masterful arrangements have now received a touch of emotion.

On albums with guest artists people list the stars featured on the album. So here we will list some of the first class musicians like Eyal Shiloach, Eli Laufer and Peter Wertheimer which are featured on the album. Also helping out on the technical side of things was Shmuel Yonah.

The album is available in the US through Nigun and available online on

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