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Mona Rosenblum Ruled: “Avos Ha’Kedoshim” Will Recieve A Soft Arrangement

Mona Rosenblum Ruled: “Avos Ha’Kedoshim” Will Recieve A Soft Arrangement

A special composition that was first released today by singer Meir Gafni was put to the test amongst some of the greatest arrangers, until Mona Rosenblum himself listened and decided: this song needs a soft and quiet arrangement.

About 4 years ago Gafni released the hit song Midas Harachamim, which had worldwide success.
Now Gafni is working on his debut album, from which this is the first taste.
The song Avos Ha’Kedoshim from the tefillos of the Yomim Noraim was composed by Eli Klein, and created an argument about how to perform it, fast and upbeat, or slow and emotional. Gafni debated with some of the greatest minds in the Chassidic music world until Mona decided that it sounded more correct in the softer version. Yitzy Berry and Eli Klein arranged and produced the song.

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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