The Mir Niggun of 200 Years – Yeshivas Mir Yerushalayim

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Produced and Conducted By: Yochi Briskman
Featuring: Baruch Levine, Shulem Lemmer, Acheinu and the Yochi Briskman Orchestra
Composed By: Abie Rotenberg
Lyrics By: Ruchie Torgow
Yiddish Lyrics By: Yosef Hersh Schwartz
Video & Edited by Neummen Media
Edited in part by: Mint Media
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Abie RotenbergAcheinuRuchie TorgowShulem LemmerThe Mir Niggun of 200 YearsYeshivas Mir YerushalayimYochi BriskmanYochi Briskman Orchestra Related Articles
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