Mesikus Vol. 5 – Achakeh Loh
Mesikus Vol. 5 Achakeh Loh, is the fifth in a series. The previous 4 album 1-Yevoriech ,2-Nodeh Lcho, 3-Ailov and 4-Libi, are all beautiful collections of brand New Songs from the most famous composers; Pinky Weber ,Yosef Moshe Kahana, Meshulem Greenberger, Berel Soifer and more. Each album features a adult and children solos and choir. The albums are arranged by Chaim Hartman and produced by R’ Yosef M Kahana and L’chaim. Vocals by Shloime Taussig, Yaakov Daskal and Moshe Shtakel. Also featuring Eli Streicher, Yehoshua Aryeh Mandel, and Shragi Lichter.
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