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MBD Returns With A New Single “Nekom”

MBD Returns With A New Single “Nekom”

Worldwide singer MBD is releasing a new single for the current situation in Israel called Nekom. The single is being released together with the Shira choir from America, and the Weinberger choir from Israel, and produced by the musical pair Eli Klein and Yitzy Berry.

MBD said: “The song was composed by Eli Klein on the horrific attack on the shul in Har Nof in Yerushalayim. Klein came back from the Levaya and the composition screamed itself out of him onto the piano. In the past few weeks I was in Israel for a number of concerts and recordings for my new album, and just like everyone else, I too was affected by the situation going on there. I heard the composition and it really moved me in my heart, so we recorded it immediately. Hashgacha Pratis has it that the song is now being released in the same week as the passing of the 6th victim of that horrific attack, R’ Chaim Yechiel Rothman, Hashem Yikom Damo.”

Simultaneously, MBD is opening his new official Youtube account, called MBD Official. On that account will be uploaded video clips from the past, and new material that will be updated from time to time.

Composed by Eli Klein
Musical Production: Eli Klein & Yitzy Berry
Voices: Shira Choir & Weinberger Brothers
Recorded: @MG Studio
Stills: Baruch Ezagui
Design: Israel Silberberg
PR: MediaPRO – Izeek Daniel
[email protected]

Copyright Mordechai Ben David Werdyger
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