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Levy Falkowitz – Tihei

Levy Falkowitz – Tihei

Just in time for Selichos Night, Levy Falkowitz shares his new song, Tihei, a special niggun perfect for this time of year.

Building on two albums (Achake Loi, Toiv Lee) acclaimed for their unique warmth and authenticity, this niggun combines the scale of a full orchestra with the heart and the intimacy of a chazan covered in his tallis.

Composed by Yitzy Berry and arranged by Moshe Laufer, the niggun becomes ever more powerful, building from the sweetness of a saxophone to the bellow of a trumpet, allowing Falkowitz to express the full measure of his emotion.

Produced by Levy himself, this niggun truly is and feels personal throughout. If Levy is the chazzan, then the Malchus Choir accompanying him superbly is the rest of the shul, joining him in prayer – and in a niggun that isn’t so much a song about prayer as much as it is a prayer itself.

Produce By: Levy Falkowitz
Project Director By: Yossi Honig
Composed By: Yitzy Berry
Arranged By: Moshe Laufer
Choir Arranged By: Pinchas Bichler – Malchus
Vocals Recorded By: Udi Damari – Udi’s Studio, Rishon Letzion
Music Recorded At: Zemirot Studios, Bnei Berak
Choir Recorded By: Michoel Weinberger – MW Studios, Jerusalem
Mixed and Mastered By: Udi Damari
Technical Manager: Shloime Wertzberger

Drums: Avi Avidan
Bass: Arya Volnitz
Piano, Keys: Benny Laufer, Udi Damari
Guitars: Avi Singolda
Strings: Ayal Shiloach and co
Brass: Danny Flam
Sax: Dor Asaf

Thank You!
Moshe Halpern,
Yisrael Orbach,
Yossi Honig,
Benny Laufer,
Ahrele Nachshoni

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