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A KUMZITZ IN THE RAIN 2 [Audio Sampler]

A KUMZITZ IN THE RAIN 2 [Audio Sampler]

DeG Productions is excited to release the much anticipated “A Kumzitz In The Rain 2” for Sefira 2015. This brand new album, produced by Doni Gross, combines inspiring tones of classic kumzitz with unique acapella harmonies, blending intimately familiar melodies together with a new warmth and feel. Real voices, real inspiration, and true acapella sound make this album the album that will drive you through Sefira.

A Kumzitz In The Rain 2” re-imagines familiar hits and also introduces a new song composed by the producer. All sound comes from the kings of kumzitz themselves, and many surprise guest vocals. You will find yourself singing along with this genre-creating collection of harmonies. Hear Shlomo Simcha, Michoel Pruzansky, Rivie & Avrumi Schwebel, Ari Goldwag, Tzvi Silberstein, Shloime Kaufman and others in ways you have never heard them before. Go ahead, get your copy, and move yourself. This album should be hitting stores by the end of the week and will be available for download on,, and iTunes within the next few days!

Click PLAY below to hear the sampler

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1 comment

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  1. Rikki
    Rikki 24 March, 2015, 18:01

    I’ve been WAITING for this new album. I’m a huge fan of the first album and so are all my friends. Love the sampler. When will the album be available for purchase?? Sooooo exciting!!

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