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JI EXCLUSIVE! Avodas Tzedaka – the Album – PREVIEW SAMPLER!

ITS ALMOST HERE! The release of "Avodas Tzedakah" presented by the world renown A T.I.M.E. Organization. This stellar album features 10 amazing songs, the vocals of Shloime Kaufman as well as mega talented guest appearances by; Abie Rotenberg, Dovid Gabay, Boruch Levine, Michoel Pruzansky, and A.K.A. Pella.
This album could only get better with composed by the hit producing talents of Yitzy Waldner & the moving compositions of Baruch Levine. Proceeds to go to A T.I.M.E..

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Write a comment
  1. chaim
    chaim 31 May, 2009, 14:15

    sounds realy cool cant wait for it

  2. yakov
    yakov 31 May, 2009, 15:05

    wow , t-riffic

  3. moshe
    moshe 1 June, 2009, 10:47

    the cover looks great

  4. simi
    simi 6 June, 2009, 19:25

    the sameach song is awesome wow!

  5. TZ
    TZ 6 June, 2009, 23:31

    the music is really cool very unique sound

  6. moshe
    moshe 7 June, 2009, 15:55

    where can i buy it?

  7. yakov
    yakov 8 June, 2009, 08:31

    comes out this wednesday i believe

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