Beyachad Nenatzeach: Ilai Avidani With A New Optimistic Single

Its been a very sad week for all of Klal Yisrael in Israel and all over the world. From hoping to see the three boys return home, we’ve instead been faced with a reality of separation that has left us all sad and filled with tears. But specifically during these times, we cannot despair. We have to grab each and every single moment and live it to the fullest. This was the wish of the boys, and we must fulfill it.
Ilai Avidani wanted to dedicate his hit song “Beyachad Nenatzeach” to the of Eyal, Gilad, and Naftali for when they would return home, and then the news hit that they had been murdered.
The single was written by Udi Damari, who also did the arrangement and production of the song. the lyrics portray a special message that brings into a state of achdus that is not usual, through which we will overcome these challenging times.
Click PLAY below to hear the song
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