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Ido Portal – Kah Shema Evyoncha

Ido Portal – Kah Shema Evyoncha

Ido Portal has recently released the first single from his new project “Kamti B’Ashmoret“, which takes lyrics from the Tefillos of the Slichos. Portal partnered with many different musicians from all over Israel for this project. His main partner on this project though was Roei Amir, a talented musician who has already worked with many other musical professionals. This partnership began about 5 year ago, once both of them found their own personal voices in the world of music, they realized they had a special musical connection to each other. “Kah Shema Evyoncha” is the first single from the project, it is a well-known piyut from the Slichos of the Sefardic world, now arranged in a modern fashion.

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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Ido PortalKamti B'AshmoretRoei Amir

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