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Gad Elbaz Sings Carlebach “Leeman Achai” Off His Album Nigun U’mizmor

Gad Elbaz Sings Carlebach “Leeman Achai” Off His Album Nigun U’mizmor

Gad Elbaz is releasing a new single “Leeman Achai” in honor of the upcoming yahrtzeit of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach which is on Monday Oct. 21 (17 Cheshvan) off his latest album “Nigun U’mizmor.”

After his passing, Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach left a spiritual legacy rich with musical poetry played in many venues and shuls.

Among some of his most popular song known throughout the world are; “U’vaou HaOvdim” and the song “Leeman Achai” written about the struggle against the rise of Soviet Jewry. The song “Od Avinu Chai” has also become popular among the public. From there Carlebach went on to record over 1,000 tunes and songs.

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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Tags assigned to this article:
Gad ElbazLeeman AchaiNigun U'MizmorOd Avinu Chai

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  1. dr blum carl
    dr blum carl 15 October, 2013, 12:52


  2. Yaakov W
    Yaakov W 16 October, 2013, 11:26

    He does. It’s called Nigun Umizmor.

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