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Directly From France: Dovid Lusky’s Debut Single – “Yachad”

Directly From France: Dovid Lusky’s Debut Single – “Yachad”

Singer Dovid Lusky (24) a native of Paris, France, has already managed to conquer the stage at weddings and events among the Jews of France.

Ahead of the wedding season, and in light of the wonderful unity of the people of Israel discovered since the abduction of three boys and throughout the operation “Protective Edge” Lusky’s just released his debut single “Yachad.”

Yachad” is a rhythmic and energetic song which is greatly enhanced by the emotion in Dovid’s voice

The song is written and composed by Yaakov Menashe, whose musical production and arrangements were created by Adei Nathaniel of Sinti-Music Studios.
The production also included Paris Orchestra Director Nati Duroi.

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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Tags assigned to this article:
Dovid LuskyYaakov MenasheYachad

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