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Finally! The First Single From Yishai Ribo Upcoming Second Album

Finally! The First Single From Yishai Ribo Upcoming Second Album

Yishai Ribo is finishing his concert tour for his first album Tocho Ratzuf Ahava, and is already releasing a new song to the media. Mikshah Achat Zahav is the new single, the first from his second album, and is already on Gal Galatz’s playlist.

Yishai Ribo’s jump into Israeli conscious began with the hit song that was played all over called Tocho Ratzuf Ahava, a song that launched him onto the radio stations of the Chareidi and Religious media. After a little while he was also warmly accepted into the standard Israeli communications realm, with many listeners and 1.5 million views on YouTube. His first album won him the titles of Zemer Hashana and Album of the Year, he reached gold status and continues to become even more well-known. Yishai Ribo is expected to be one of the young up and coming artists nowadays. He is a member of the IDF choir, and writes and composes for some of the major Israeli artists.

In his second album Yishai is continuing to create songs that are magical to the listener. The song itself was produced by Yishai himself together with Ma’Or Shoshan.

Mikshah Achat Zahav is a song that will not get out of your head.

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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