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“FOREVER” Ezer Mizion Women’s Concert starring BRACHA JAFFE

“FOREVER” Ezer Mizion Women’s Concert starring BRACHA JAFFE

Ezer Mizion Presents An Evening Of Song And Dance


Music For Life. Music. Forever.

s t a r r i n g


Mina Black

The David Sisters

Rachel Jakob

Monsey *2 Shows
December 16th, @2:30 & 7:30
The RCC Theatre
145 College Road
Suffern, NY

Tickets Available At: Tuvia’s & Doren’s

December 29th @8:00pm
Brooklyn College
2900 Bedford Ave.
Brooklyn, NY

Tickets Available At: Elichler (of BP) – Judaica Place – Eichlers (of FB) – Torah Treasures


Tickets: $26, $36, $54, $72, Sponsor

Order by Phone: 877-EZER-MIZION I 718-853-8400

Evenings: 718-564-3096 I 347-524-9899

Order Online:

A GYL Music Production

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1 comment

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  1. Basya Montal
    Basya Montal 21 May, 2013, 08:28

    Hi, I know it’s been months since the concert, but I wanted to tell you how amazing it was, I actually watched it twice. In Monsey and Brooklyn. The singing was just so beautiful such great songs, Bracha Jaffe sang them like a bird! And the dancing added so much! I hope you will be doing more such shows. I also was wondering how I can get in touch with Mina Black, she did mention that she has a dance studio and would like to find out more about it. I would really appreciate a response. Thanks so much!

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