Eliran Deri & Shaul Hayon In A Duet “Koreh Eilecha”
The young and talented middle eastern singer Eliran Deri released a new single from his upcoming debut album featuring a duet with mizrachi singer Shaul Hayon.
Deri, a graduate of yeshiva Kisei Rachamim has already been a chazzan in a shul for a number of years. This new single “Koreh Eilecha” is the third he has released to date. The others include being partnered in the song “Abba” with Imi Maiman and the previous single entitled “Ata Li Hamelech“.
Listen to the jolting words in the song below.
Lyrics: Yisroel Solov Composition: Turkey Arrangements: Shmuel Aharon Bachground Noises: Chaim Bar
Click PLAY below to hear the song
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