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Eliran Deri singer announces “Ata Li Melech”

Eliran Deri singer announces “Ata Li Melech”

The singer Eliran Deri who is known as a cantor for several years throughout the country, just released the second single from his upcoming album entitled “Ata Li Melech”. Even thought Eliranhas the experience as a chazzan in this song we see he has great respect for Eastern music.

Composition and arrangements: Moshe Ben Mashiach
Lyrics by: Roi Golan
Guitar: Eric Cohen
Bass: Yossi Gruenbaum
Violins: Meyer Mishali
Drums: Avi Avidani
Vocals & Mix by: Yaniv Blass

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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Ata Li MelechEliran Deri

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