Eli Klein Surprised Kobi Brumer With A Vocal Performance of “Hashem Yishmor”
During the joint radio program of Eli Klein and Kobi Brumer in ‘Kol Chai Music‘ during the days of the Sefira, Eli surprised Kobi with a brilliant vocal arrangement of ‘Hashem Yishmor‘ which he wrote and arranged together with Yitzy Berry. Kobi, who avoided incorporating his songs into his programs, was surprised by the gesture and the arrangement that did not deviate from the original, and decided to deviate from his custom by letting the song continue to play, and even decided to release it officially
Lyrics and music: Eli Klein and Moshe Halevi
Vocal arrangement: Eli Klein & Yitzy Berry
Still photography: Ilan Bashor
Public relations: Bafront
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