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Eli and Hilly Copter – Lachamor

Eli and Hilly Copter – Lachamor

Avraham was bringing his son Yitzchok to Har Moriah to be sacrificed, as God had instructed him. Before ascending the mountain, Avraham told his son Ishmael and his servant Eliezer, “Sit here together with the donkey.” A question arises: why did Abraham need to reference the donkey? He could have simply said, “Wait here.”

The deeper understanding here is that the word “with” (עם) in Hebrew shares the same letters as “nation” (עם), implying that “with the donkey” symbolically means “a nation that is compared to a donkey.” Donkeys are creatures known for their stubbornness and unwillingness to be led in any direction they resist. In this light, the pasuk teaches us that this is a nation that, like a donkey, is fixed in their ways, unable to change or show compassion.

Today, we see this evil stubbornness in groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah, avowed enemies of the Jewish people, who have shown relentless resistance and unyielding aggression in their attacks on Israel and refusal to release hostages. Their obstinacy mirrors the symbolic stubbornness of a donkey, a nation set in its ways and immovable in its hostility. 


Sung by Eli and Hilly Copter

Composed by Perah Adam

Music by Don Keyman

Video by Ploni Baloney


Lachamor Lachamor, Am Hadomeh Lachamor

Shvu lachem po

Sit on the ground

Pick up your hands

Don’t make a sound 

Give up your bombs

Throw down your guns

You’ve lost and we have won

Lachamor Lachamor, Am Hadomeh Lachamor

Stubborn and cruel

So full of lies

Dumb as a mule

Covered with flies

Under the ground

Weak and ashamed

With no one left to blame

Lachamor Lachamor, Am Hadomeh Lachamor

Your leaders are dead

With rags on their head

They took all your green

But their hands dripping red

Sinwar we have found you 

Nassrala behind you

bye bye to your friends

Shmema Yisrael

Thought you were smart 

don’t stand a chance

You glorify death

We continue to dance

Yishmael is through

Thank God there are Jews

From the river to the sea

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