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Efraim Chen With His Debut Single “Maoz Tzur” Off The Album Hakol Habah

Efraim Chen With His Debut Single “Maoz Tzur” Off The Album Hakol Habah

The program Hakol Habah has left a major impact on Jewish music. During its two season it has entertained hundreds of thousands of listeners and viewers who watched weekly as the singer competed against each other. It is now about a year since the end of season 2 and quickly approaching the beginning of season 3, and the first taste of the upcoming project called “Kolot Haneshama” is now being released This album is performed by contestants from the 2 seasons of the show, produced by David Fadida.

Singer Efraim Chen from the second season is featured on this new single called Maoz Tzur. This and all of the other songs on the project were composed by the American composer R’ Feitel Levine. Gershon Freishtat did the musical production of the album. The other singers to be featured on the album will be Naor Elchadad, Meir Masuari, Avigdor Roth, Nachman Goldberg, Amichai Sover, Yosef Chaim Bouskila, Motti Rothman, Ayal Aviv, Moshe Klein, and Reuven Becker.

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