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[Contest] Win 1 of 5 Leah Forster – Let’s Get “Leah” biddig! CD’s

[Contest] Win 1 of 5 Leah Forster – Let’s Get “Leah” biddig! CD’s

You all know Leah Forster for her comedic chops. Her DVDs and CDs fly off the shelf and her latest Let’s Get “Leah” biddig! no exception. Her new hits include brand new concepts like getting ripped off at the mechanic, a seminary girl whose best friends engaged! !! (omg), The shabbos goy (every neighborhoods got one!), a nervous substitute and comedy bits that will have you on the floor!!! Exclusively for readers. Tell us your favorite Leah Forster performances and the top five responses will receive an advance copy! Available on in the next week or so.

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Leah ForsterLet’s Get "Leah” biddig!

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  1. Ahuva
    Ahuva 12 May, 2011, 09:47

    Hi there!
    I was so excited when i heard Leah Forster is coming up with a new CD!! Leah Forster is so talented! I love the way she impersonates a variety of different people!- From “Goytas”, to “Rebetzin” to “Car Service driver” she just nails it all the time! She also has an amazing voice! Her songs (i believe she composes them too!) are hysterical! I find myself singing her songs quite often. My favorite song is Balabusta! I loved how the song was performed on stage! Another song my friends and i love to sing is “I don’t need a thing, I just want that ring!”( yeh, we’re teenagers! Ha Ha!!) Her videos are laugh out funny!! I loved the “lotto” video!! The “Leah Forster Live” DVD is jam-packed excitement!- I can watch it over and over again!- I watched many comedies, and i forget them the next day. But when it comes to Leah Foster’s comedies, I don’t forget them so fast!! Can’t wait for her new CD. It will definitely be “Leah’bedig”!!!!
    From a Leah’bediger fan

  2. Ariella
    Ariella 25 May, 2011, 18:17

    Hi, well first of all I don’t even know where to start cuz anything I say about Leah Forster would be an understatement!!! Leah gets credit for bringing joy into many ladies and girls lives. I personally know someone myself that went thru a difficult period in her life and when she would listen to Leah’s cd’s it took her mind off her issues and it was a amazing outlet. ( She liked the song about everyone has a story…) I love going thru day to day life and see that what lean is always talking about is sooo true!!! Just the other day I was walking the streets of Boro Park and I thought I heard someone talking just like her…. Turning around I saw it was just a chassidish lady… The only thing is it just sounds so much funnier when it’s being immitated;) Whatever she says just makes me rotf!!!! Anyways I don’t really have to do more talking cuz if you would just buy any one of her cd’s or Dvd’s you’ll be hooked!!! So get out and pick up a copy and njoy!!!!

  3. Mashie
    Mashie 29 May, 2011, 22:50

    3 cheers 2 Leah for coming out with album #3!!!!!! Seriously I do not know how she does this. Besides the fact that she’s a high school teacher & she volunteers for Chesed organizations she’s just always on the ball with what’s going on in the world and she is just amaaaaaaaaazzzzziiiiiiinnnnggggg!!!!!! I am like a major fan of hers I own all her CDs and DVDs AND I am always looking out for her concerts cuz when u go out to one of her shows or you watch a DVD you just plotz…… And you could just escape from all your life promblems 🙂 as to which show or song is my favorite it’s really hard to decide cuz they are all favorites just at different times. Her first DVD with the lottery and her life story takes the cake but do are the rest….. so go out to your local judaica store or and pick up a copy…. I am sure there’s not gonna be any regrets;) njoy!!!!!!

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