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[COLlive] Chony Milecki Begins Dance Series

[COLlive] Chony Milecki Begins Dance Series


Musician Chony Milecki recorded a Chabad dance music soundtrack and is offering it free ahead of Purim, he told COLlive.

By COLlive reporter

Musician Chony Milecki will be offering specialy recorded music tracks for free usage at parties and events by organizations and individuals.

“People are always calling me for music to use at their functions,” says the Australian-born keyboard player who owns a recording studio in Crown Heights.

Having played at over 400 Jewish and Chassidic weddings and events to date, he told he will be recording “a series of melodies that I am putting together as a community service.”

“The first one I’m offering free is Chabad dance music which I figured would be great for Purim,” he told COLlive. “I plan to follow this up with many more including trance, horra, sephardi and freilach sets.”


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Download the track here

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ChabadChony MileckiCOLLivePurim

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