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Chaim Gold “Mi She’Hayinu” Music Video

Chaim Gold “Mi She’Hayinu” Music Video

Chaim Gold is a unique musician, singer, and producer on the horizon of Jewish Music.

He is currently on his way towards his debut album, and has released up until this point three singles that have garnered tens of thousands of views on YouTube, and have received a very warm reception from all of the various radio and communications channels.

Gold has a deep and powerful voice, and has a unique writing and composing style, which he brings into the Jewish Music world.

Mi She’Hayinu is his fourth single. He wrote and composed the song himself right after this past Rosh Hashana, which he merited to spend at the Kever of R’ Nachman of Breslov. The single is accompanied by a special video clip that was filmed in Uman, Ukraine.

Arrangement and musical production: Nachman Hilvitz and Chaim Gold
Video and editing: Liran Shemesh

Chaim Gold - Mi She’Hayinu

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1 comment

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  1. AdinaLeah
    AdinaLeah 28 May, 2015, 06:36

    Where can I buy this? I searched on the iTunes store and couldn’t find it. I searched in google, and I couldn’t find a link to buy the single.
    Does anyone know when his first CD will be released?
    I NEED this music 🙂

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