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Off The Upcoming MONA 7: Yaakov Shwekey “U’Tshuva U’Tefila U’Tzdaka”

After ten years Mona Rosenblum is releasing the first hit from his upcoming album, Mona 7, which will be released shortly, in anticipation of the Chagim. U’Teshuva U’Tefilla U’Tzedaka is the name of the special single from the album that

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Yoeli Klein, Suchi Goldstein & Malchus – Danken

His name precedes him in recording studios, but for the first time he is attaching his name to a fast-paced and upbeat song. After more than a few of his own compositions, composer and artist Elazar Estherson is singing one

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Shlomo Simcha Sings R’ Pinchas Wolf “Tate Oy Tatenyu” [Official Music Video]

The Yomim Noraim are when we look back on the events of the past year, look forward to the sweetness of the coming year, then look up to our creator with the words Avinu Malkeinu (father in heaven) Asei Imonu

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The New Single From Noam Michael & Tal Shegev For Ellul

Noam Michael was born and grew up in Petach Tikva, and already from a young age his musical talent stood out. He was a soloist in Chazzanut choirs, and then in the IDF choir. He composes songs and works with

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Kachomer Biyedei Ha’Yotzer: Natan Goshen From The Tefillos of Yom Kippur

No one anticipated to hear new material from Natan Goshen after he released his fourth album last spring, but now we get to hear his latest song, called Kachomer Biyedei Ha’Yotzer, the Chabad niggun from the Tefillos of Yom Kippur.

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Chaim Bar With A New Single “Rabbeinu” This year, too!

Chaim Bar continues to surprise and releases a new single for the tens of thousands who are headed off to Uman to the kever of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov. “Rabbi Meir, you illuminate my life, a general correction everyone reads.”

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Hineni He’Ani Mimaas – Yisrael Schachter & The Folklore Band

For many years artist Yisrael Schachter dreamed of composing a tune for the words from the Tefillah of Hineni He’Ani Mimaas, words that describe the feelings and emotions of the Shliach Tzibbur before he gets up to Daven. Over the

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Maor Nof Welcomes The Yomim Noroim: Ein Od Milvado

Singer Maor Nof is releasing a new single now in which he is bringing us into his emotions during this time before Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, called Ein Od Milvado. About two years ago Maor released a single called

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Yonatan Razel: “Ase Lemaan” (Single)

Here we are again in Elul, we appear before Hashem as a slave before his master, as a son before his father, begging asking: We want to open a new page … Want, want, but can not alone! The heart

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Yanky Daskal – Am Segulah

“Am Segulah” a premiere music for a debut disc for the premiere wedding. World renowned singer and composed R’ Yaakov (Yanky) Yehuda Daskal is almost ready to release his longly awaited debut album, a special and varied album, with Daskal’s

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