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Chaim Fisgus Releases His Debut Single “Yodeah”

Introducing newcomer Chaim Fisgus with his debut single “Yodeah.” As a child, Chaim loved music in general and loved to sing. He started composing almost 11 years ago, at the age of 19. Though he didn’t sing publically till the

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“Kimi” A New Purim Song From Yumi Rosenbaum!

In time for Purim, Yumi Rosenbaum has composed a new Purim song “Kimi” to be featured on the upcoming EP of 4 new songs being released this week for the Kollel Beis Yosef Seudas Hodoah in Melbourne Australia. Kimi Vekibli

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Yishai Ribo Releases A New Single “Achat Uletamid”

Yishai Ribo is not stopping. He is hard at work on his third album, and after the incredible success he had with his first few singles, he is releasing this third and final single before the album which is titled

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Udi Damari Sings R’ Shmuel Brazil “Nafshi Ha’Yechida”

World renowned composer, arranger and singer Udi Damari sings words from R’ Yitzchak Hutner, composed decades ago by R’ Shmuel Brazil originally titled Bilvavi. Now, Damari re-imagines the famed song with a new arrangement and production and names it Nafshi

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Sruli Broncher ft. Meydad Tasa “Anava” [Official Music Video]

After taking over the stage of Jewish pop music and garnering almost 4 million views collectively on YouTube, producer, composer and arranger Sruli Broncher is changing the rules of the game by combining two different worlds together. This new single

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“Ma Naaseh” Yoni Z Releases The Third Single Off His Highly Anticipated Debut Album [Official Audio]

Following the success of the second single “DA MA” off of Yoni’s upcoming debut album which is now ranked number #1 on Jewish music charts both in the US and Israel; Yoni releases his third single titled “Ma Naaseh“, a

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Newcomer Yonatan Vinnik Releases His Debut Single “Shivisi”

Yonatan Vinnik is a musician and singer who’s a Boston native who is currently a Passaic resident. He is looking to share his music with the world by releasing his debut single which he composed himself. The song titled “Shivisi,”

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Amiran Dvir “Haneir Hapnimi/The Inner Flame” Official Remix

The artist and musical creator Amiran Dvir did not imagine that the melody he wrote for the words of Rabbi Kook Zt”l will affect so many listeners around the world. The song was played hundreds of times on the general

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American-Jewish Singer Amichai Shpigler Sings: “Shabechi Yerushalayim”

Shortly before releasing his debut album which he has been working on for four years already, singer Amichai Shpigler is releasing one single called Shabechi Yerushalayim. Shpigler composed the song himself, which was arranged and produced by Yoeli Dikman.

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Michoel Pruzansky – Shootin’ For The Moon [Official Music Video]

We are proud to present the official music video for the title track off Michoel Pruzansky’s 5th studio album, Shootin’ for the Moon. Available wherever Jewish music is sold. Composed by: Elie Schwab Additional Composition by: Yochanan Shapiro and Michoel

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