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Avrum Mordche Schwartz, Freilach and Shira at the Bar Mitzvah of Yitzi Rosinger

Avrum Mordche Schwartz, Freilach and Shira at the Bar Mitzvah of Yitzi Rosinger

Avraham Mordechai Schwartz is without a doubt a rising star in the world of American grammen writers/singers, due to his tremendous talent and innovative material that he introduces. At night he is out at weddings in America to perform for the Chassanim and Kallahs.
A number of days ago the Wonder Child Yitzy Rosinger became a Bar Mitzvah, and Schwartz gave his talents to him. He performed 3 medleys, which took the best of MBD’s, Yishai Lapidot’s, and Dudi Kalish’s songs and put them all together. The Freilach band and the Shira choir accompanied him as well.
Schwartz, who produced the album Achakeh Loi of Levi Falkowitz, has many more wonderful compositions up his sleeve.

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