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AL ELEH – Acapella Three Weeks Version – Pinny Schachter & Luzy Klatzko – Composed by Benzion Klatzko

AL ELEH – Acapella Three Weeks Version – Pinny Schachter & Luzy Klatzko – Composed by Benzion Klatzko

Hashem’s ways are a mystery. No explanation can heal our broken hearts. The holiday of Lag B’Omer will now also be remembered for the unspeakable tragedy that befell our holy people in Meron. The Tragedy in Surfside Florida is on-going and beyond description. The bleachers in Stolin gave way with nearly 200 people injured and three more who passed away. Covid 19 has killed so many including our leaders and gedolim. So many lives lost, so many young people with great potential, so many fathers with children. The heart does not want to accept.

I composed this song from a place of emuna, understanding that we don’t understand and we probably never will. Our sadness needs healing and a niggun to share with each other, as we strive to find inner peace.

I thank my dear friend and talmid Pinny Schachter for lending his generational voice to this song, as well as my own son, Luzy, who added a child’s innocence and sweetness to the message.

And as always, a heartfelt thanks to my dear friend and talmid Yisrael Ament, for lending his prodigious musical talent to make this song’s message hit home.

I know that the images and footage are difficult to watch. These are losses, tragedies and tests from this past year. While I could have avoided such graphic images and released the song in a more tame fashion, I chose not to. I was inspired to create this video when one of my students and friends mentioned to me that “he doesn’t feel connected to these tragedies.” I realized that without these images, without understanding the enormity of the disaster, without seeing the faces of these happy vibrant yidden who are just like our own father, grandfather, brother or son, it is easy to distance one’s self, especially if one lives far away.

May Hashem wipe away our tears and quickly bring the geulah!

Benzion Klatzko

Composed and Produced By: Rabbi Benzion Klatzko
Performed by Pinny Schachter
Child Soloist – Luzy Klatzko
Backing vocals – Yisrael Ament

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