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A.K.A. Pella Presents A.D.Y. (Ad Dlo Yadda) Feat- Endimem & Dr. DREzich (A.K.A. Binyomin Miller)

A.K.A. Pella Presents  A.D.Y. (Ad Dlo Yadda) Feat- Endimem & Dr. DREzich (A.K.A. Binyomin Miller)

While we know many of you are chalishing for the all new, first ever A.K.A. Pella music album, here is the first of 2 brand new singles for Purim off the album that will whet your appetite.

Both have music videos BH so stay tuned.
Ah Freilachen Peerim from A.K.A. Pella (& Friends! 🙂

The song will be available for just 99¢ on iTunes and in the next few days.

A.K.A. Pella Presents A.D.Y. (“Ad Dlo Yadda)
Feat- Endimem & Dr. Drezich

Produced by CD Eichler/ OCD Entertainment
Recorded @ Uptop Studios (Monsey, NY)
Engineered & Mixed By: Hillel Kapnick
Mastered By: Emes Studios (Philadelphia, PA) by Moshe Siegel
Concept by ENDIMEM & Zev Engelson

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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Write a comment
  1. EndiTzaddik
    EndiTzaddik 20 February, 2015, 00:56

    Best Jewish rap I’ve heard in years!!

  2. That Guy
    That Guy 20 February, 2015, 03:43

    Disappointed in Endimem, his other stuff is much better bad collaboration

  3. S
    S 20 February, 2015, 04:07

    Hilarious 🙂

  4. lkwd hocker
    lkwd hocker 22 February, 2015, 03:04

    He has other stuff ? Where can I hear it??
    Where can I Get the lyrics?

  5. Arfur
    Arfur 23 February, 2015, 19:52

    bretty talented cant wait for a full album

  6. stan
    stan 6 April, 2015, 02:11

    Please dont copy any more Eminem songs and ruin them. Take drake or nicki minaj or something, dont take a legend and turn his song into utter crap. I know the other comments are good but the onky reaon why your LLyrics flow r like that because.uncopied lots.of eminem berzerk… pls stop thnk u

  7. JOJO
    JOJO 29 March, 2016, 09:14

    This song is no shaichus, dude needs hotter beats

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