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Aharon Sitbon Sings “Shomer Yisrael”

Aharon Sitbon Sings “Shomer Yisrael”

The lyrics to this song were written almost as if they were a prophecy, about a month before the massacre in Paris. The song was written not far either from where the massacre took place by Aharon Sitbon.

About two months ago, Sitbon went into the studio together with Eli Klein and Yitzy Berry and hummed the song to himself while strumming on his guitar. And the words started writing themselves almost.

Below is a beautiful video that goes along with this track with clips from Operation Tzuk Eitan and the massacre in the kosher supermarket in Paris.

Tags assigned to this article:
Aharon SitbonEli KleinYitzy Berry

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  1. mcfrdmn
    mcfrdmn 5 August, 2015, 23:27

    Tov me’od !

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