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Aderet Music Presents: Simchas Hachaim 3!

Aderet Music Presents: Simchas Hachaim 3!

Aderet Music presents Simchas Hachaim 3! This is the 3rd album featuring upbeat, simcha music featuring vocals by Mendy Werdyger, Yisroel Werdyger, Benny Friedman, Yoel Falkowitz and Shua Berko. The album featuring Nigunim from Viznitz, Berslov and Karlin to popular classics like Biglal Avos, Yismechu, Chaveirim, Hatov, Zeh Hayom, to current favorites like Nodeh Leshimcha, Ashrei Mi, Bentch and more!

The CD was arranged by Avrumi Berko with Choir featuring Yedidim.

Click PLAY below to hear the sampler

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