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Aaron Razel song for Purim : Lifnei ShHashem Nosen Es Hamakeh

Aaron Razel song for Purim : Lifnei ShHashem Nosen Es Hamakeh

Razel Purim 2010

Aaron Razel has a very unusual custom. Every Purim he composes and records a new song that he sends his friends in his shalach manos.

The Blues song this Year, is based on the gemara in Megillah daf yud beis amud beis. All Megillas Esther is based on the principle before the “makah” punishment Hashem is already preparing the “yeshua” salvation. So to did Queen Esther also went to the King Achashveriosh , although it is not understood at first to the  people of Israel, but later turns out that Esther was able to save the people of Israel.

Melody, production and processing: Aaron Razel.

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Aaron RazelLifnei ShHashem Nosen Es Hamakeh

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