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The Catchiest D’ror Yikra You’ve Never Heard – Yair Rosenberg

The Catchiest D’ror Yikra You’ve Never Heard – Yair Rosenberg

Most people know Yair Rosenberg for his words. As a journalist whose work has appeared everywhere from The Atlantic to the New York Times and Washington Post, he has interviewed White House officials and profiled Israeli political leaders. But few know that he is the grandson of R’ Yisroel Dovid Rosenberg, a composer whose niggunim—like the Shir Hageulah—are still sung by chasidim today.

For the last seven years, Yair has been working on something that follows in those footsteps: an original album of Jewish music, full of new melodies to shabbos classics, which he both composes and sings. The album’s production was halted by the pandemic, but today, the release is back on track, and he is celebrating with a new single, D’ror Yikra. It’s bound to get stuck in your head, so consider yourself warned!

Composed and performed by Yair Rosenberg
Produced by Charles Newman at Cottage Sounds

Additional Vocals: Abbaleh Savitt and Arun Viswanath
Acoustic Guitars: Charlie Rauh
Electric Guitars: Paul Casanova
Bass: Matt Basile
Drums and Percussion: Tom Curiano
Piano: Jake Pinto
Pedal Steel: Jack Mcloughlin
Additional Percussion: Charles Newman
Lyric Clip: Mati Shriki

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D'ror YikraYair Rosenberg

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