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New York Boys Choir: Cantata (Audio Sampler)

New York Boys Choir: Cantata (Audio Sampler)

The release of this incredible acapella album has been long in coming! Over the past many years, I’ve been attending and working for Camp Agudah in different capacities, including producing the choirs for the Cantata, a play that is performed a day before Tisha B’av. The producer of this truly moving play is a Rebbe of mine, Rabbi Shimon Finkelman, Shlita. Interspersed throughout the play, I would lead the choir songs a capella.

I must tell you that the success of those choirs must be due to Rabbi Finkelman’s zechusim. Some of my nicest songs and lyrics were composed for those cantatas. I directly attribute the success of those songs to his influence on me. Many of those songs became big hits in Camp Agudah and twelve of them are recorded on this CD. In addition, there is one song that I wrote, to be mechazek people to Ride The Waves of life, and have faith in Hashem that he will get us through all our ups and downs.

I thank Hashem for allowing me to reach this milestone of sharing my songs through the pure voice of children.
Be’ezras Hashem, I hope to share many more with you, in the near future.
Without further ado, I present to you….New York Boys Choir….
The choir that I lead with all my heart and soul!

Yitzy Bald

Available in stores and for digital download.

Apple Music

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Camp AgudahCantataNew York Boys Choir

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