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Eitan Katz – Concert for Benzti Video

Eitan Katz – Concert for Benzti Video

Bentzi Gottlieb is a five year old boy with a very rare disease. It’s called eosinophilic entrocolitis. His whole life he has been in and out of hospitals going through different kinds of treatments such as chemotherapy , steroids, feeding tubes and other experimental testing.
There is no known cure for his disease. Recently though, doctors have found a medication that helps with the symptoms, so Bentzi doesnt have to suffer! However, this medication is extremely expensive and because its only “experimental” the insurance wont cover it.
Both of his parents work multiple jobs to try to make ends meet but the cost of Bentzi’s care is becoming overwhelming and stressful.

With the help of Hashem, we were able to raise $10,000 from this concert alone!

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Concert for Benzti VideoEitan Katz

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